So, what is category theory anyway?

category theory

Tish Tanski

Paul Dancstep




Ask most category theory experts what it is, and they’ll launch into a session at a white board that can leave your head spinning. That is, if you are not a card carrying mathematician, as many of us are not. Even at Topos Institute, we have staff, donors, and friends who are not mathematicians. We have struggled to find a simple but clear and compelling way to answer the question: So, what is category theory anyway? We have partnered with Paul Dancstep, gifted science educator and communicator, to come up with a quick video to answer the “what” question.

Ask most category theory experts what it is, and they’ll launch into a session at a white board that can leave your head spinning. That is, if you are not a card carrying mathematician, as many of us are not. Even at Topos Institute, we have staff, donors, and friends who are not mathematicians. We have struggled to find a simple but clear and compelling way to answer the question: So, what is category theory anyway?

Until now. We have partnered with Paul Dancstep, gifted science educator and communicator, to come up with a quick video to answer the “what” question. We are attempting to cruise at the 30,000 foot level so we can enthrall many with the beauty and elegance of category theory without getting into the detail that might bog them down.

We don’t attempt to answer the “how” does Topos Institute advance and apply category theory or “why does it matter” questions — yet. In this video we are striving for a simple description that meets the rigor of mathematics in an engaging way that is easy to grasp.

So here it is, with Paul Dancstep narrating. Take a look and let us know how we did. Share it with your category theory friends, your 8 year old, or your grandmother. Let us know if it works!